Mothers are concerned about the 13 questions of milk powder

— Eat is the baby’s primary event, of course, all around the milk powder things has become the mother’s greatest concern.

We found that the baby within one year old, they mother’s attention to the issue of milk powder is higher than everything else. Therefore, we brought together the 13 questions mothers most want to know the milk|powder, experts to answer.

milk powder

milk powder

1.Imported milk powder is being better than domestic milk  powder? Nutritional components are different?

Imported milk|powder and the domestic milk|powder is not great difference between. Different brands of milk powder have different nutrients, but the vast majority of breast milk|powder ingredients are the standard, the more close to the formula of breast milk ingredients, the better. Identification of high-quality milk|powder has the following methods:

  • Ingredients: In addition to the mother formula, nutrition, balanced, but also to do for the baby needs to do functional choices, such as the baby is weak, it is necessary to choose rich breast milk active immune substance formula.
  • Brand credit: at home and abroad have long-term sales history, from research and development, production, sales, manufacturing and packaging are all the same company operation, to ensure product quality.
  • Balanced nutrition: pay attention to the proportion of nutrients, do not pursue nutrition content.
  • Other: reasonable price, professional services, consulting and so on.
2.When the baby change for another brand of milk powder is better?

If the baby has to accept a brand of infant formula, do not need to change another milk . You can choose the baby after 6 months change to larger baby milk . The principle of change the milk  is from small to large, in the original milk  slowly add a small amount of new brand milk , and observe the baby digestion, no exceptions and then added by volume is appropriate.

3.Baby to drink milk powder diarrhea how to do?

“Diarrhea” may also be caused by pathological changes, such as bacteria, viruses. So when the baby appears above the best time to make a diagnosis, not too subjective that the problem of milk|powder.

4.Milk powder washed too thick, the baby please?

Milk should be adjusted according to the proportion of product description, because too thick will increase the burden of the baby gastrointestinal tract and kidneys, more prone due to chronic dehydration of the baby, dry stool, lit and other symptoms.

5.Baby allergic to milk powder, how do?

There are many types of allergies, such as lactose intolerance, protein allergy, so the first one should find out the symptoms of allergies. If protein allergies due to occur, you can choose soy protein formula.

6.If baby to eat milk powder, often fart, is gastrointestinal discomfort do?

Fart is a normal physiological phenomenon. General gastrointestinal symptoms in the fart are not unusual symptoms.

7.Can we mix several of milk powder to eat together?

The best selection one brand formula milk to feed. So as not to cause the baby’s gastrointestinal tract does not adapt to the symptoms of discomfort, and it affects the baby’s healthy development.

8.If change the milk powder cause to constipation after how to do?

Baby constipation, there are many reasons. Such as gastrointestinal motility slows down or disease, reduced water intake, the weather is particularly dry and so on. For milk powder appears constipation may be the baby’s gastrointestinal adaptation process performance, so do not need too nervous. You can increase the amount of water feed, do more baby massage, especially abdominal massage and other methods.

9.Milk powder damp or open a month after the baby can not eat?

Most infant formulas are marked on the packaging: milk powder within 1 month after opening. After opening, more than a month should be discarded do not. It is worth recalling that the shelf life date on the milk powder packaging refers to the unopened and the appropriate preservation conditions before the date, once opened, you can not use this date.

10.Milk powder in the agglomeration, very hard, how is it? Can continue to eat?

Normal milk  should be loose and soft. After opening the milk may be due to moisture in the air to enter, or in the milk  preparation process, inevitably into a small amount of water droplets and other reasons, so that milk moisture absorption. Prone to agglomeration. If the agglomeration of a pinch on the broken, this milk little change in quality, but the larger agglomeration, hard, pinch not broken, indicating that the quality of milk has been bad, should not be discarded.

11.I heard that some milk powder will make your baby smarter, right?

Baby’s smart depends on many factors, such as the nutritional status of mothers during pregnancy, the implementation of prenatal education, postnatal feeding conditions, the baby’s early neurodevelopmental assessment, raising a smart baby is “integrated”, it can not rely on milk alone .

12.In addition to boiling water, can we take other liquids to mix milk ? Such as porridge water, fruit juice, radish and other water.

It is best to use only warm water formula milk powder. Because the use of other liquid to make formula milk will have some changes in the nature nutrients. Such as people often love in the milk mixed with rice soup, rice gruel or add cake powder to the baby to eat, that this can provide more of the nutrients to the children. In fact, this way of eating is very not scientific.

13.If you have been using one brand milk powder, baby malnutrition?

Don’t. Just choose the right formula of children ages.

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